Sirloin with Pistachio Hummus


Sirloin with Pistachio Hummus

Yield: 2 servings


For the hummus:

½ cup peeled pistachios

1¼ cup cooked chickpea

2 garlic cloves

Juice of one lime

¼ cup water

⅓ cup olive oil

Salt and pepper, to taste

For the sirloin:

You can opt for the classic pork tenderloin or, if you prefer a lower calorie meat, try turkey tenderloin. The most important thing is to trim excess fat from the pork.

2 pounds coarse salt

¾ pound pork tenderloin or turkey



For the hummus:

To enhance the flavor of the pistachios, roast them in a pan until they begin to look glossy. Place the toasted pistachios, along with a little bit of salt and pepper, oil and water into a blender or food processor; process into a paste. Add the chickpeas, lime juice, and garlic; season to taste and process until creamy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

For the sirloin:

Preheat oven to 400° F. Trim the fat from the tenderloin and season with pepper. Place a thick layer of salt in the bottom of a roasting pan and moisten. Place the tenderloin on top of the salt and cover it with another thick layer of salt; moisten the salt.

Bake at 400° F for approximately 20 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the tenderloin. It’s done when the salt layer begins to crack and open. Remove from the oven and break the salt layer. Remove the steak with tongs and a brush to help clean up the debris of salt. Fillet meat and serve.


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