Mint Stracci Pasta with Pistachios, Melon and Lobster

by Chef Omar Allievi


Mint Stracci Pasta with Pistachios, Melon and Lobster by Chef Omar Allievi

Yield: 4/6 servings


17 ounces Stracci pasta

2 Lobsters

1 Melon

2 cups Pistachios, natural chopped

2 Scallion

1 Carrot

1 Onion

1 Vine tomato

1 Clove garlic

10 Basil leaves

1 Bunch mint

1¼ Mint-flavored oil


Flavored oil: Remove leaves from mint and blanch in a small pan of boiling water with a teaspoon of baking powder for about 30 sec. to 1 min. Drain, squeeze and blend with oil for 4-5 minutes. Keep flavored oil in a cool, dark place.

Stracci pasta: Combine 4 cups flour, 1 cup semolina, 1 cup egg yolk, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons mint-flavored oil and 2 tablespoons water. Knead to obtain a smooth, even dough and if too dry, add a little more water.

Bisque: Cook lobsters in boiling water for four minutes and cool in iced water. Break off claws and tail and refrigerate after removing shell. Break head and shell into pieces and pan fry in oil with vegetables cut into ½” pieces. Flame with brandy, cover with water, add basil and simmer until bisque has reduced by 4/5. Filter and set aside in a small saucepan. Use a baller to make melon balls about the size of a hazelnut.

Cook pasta in plenty of boiling, salted water. Toast pistachio granules in a big pan with a little oil and an unpeeled clove of garlic for flavor. Add lobster cut into pieces and a couple of julienne cut mint leaves. Douse with lobster bisque, drain pasta, add to pan and sauté to evaporate off a little bisque.

When cooked, arrange pasta in serving plates and add a dozen or so melon balls per portion.


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